Saturday, November 18, 2023

Hermanus - 2023-11-18

Quick stop at Roman Rock today and was duly rewarded with mother and calf
Southern right whales of Hermanus from the cliffs

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Hermanus - 2023-11-15

Late afternoon and stopped at Sievers Punt
Not a whale in sight, and then, two backs of whales
And the next moment, this young whale were having the time of his life, breaching non stop numerous times
Pure enjoyment for the whale and spectators
A wonderful sight
If this was the last sighting for the season, it sure was a great performance
Everyday now is a bonus seeing the whales
Southern right whales from the cliffs of Hermanus

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Hermanus - 2023-11-14

Today from the cliffs in front of Windsor hotel
Maybe the last for the season? Who knows
Each sighting stays special
Southern right whales from the cliffs of Hermanus